You are here: 52. Advanced Distribution Training Manual > 52.13. Advanced Stocktake > 52.13.2. Automatic Cycle Stocktakes > Setting up your Automatic Cycle Stocktakes > Setting up the Stock Selection Method
Setting up the Stock Selection Method

Next, you setup every item with one of the stock selection methods - Stocked, Replenished or Min Stock and Max Stock not Zero.



You should only use one of the following options for all items; do not setup some items with one option and others with a different option.

  1. Select FILE | INVENTORY.
  2. Select an item.
  3. Select the Purchasing tab.
  4. Select a location to display the Warehouse Details screen.
  5. Complete the same one of the following fields for all items:





Min Stock / Max Stock

If your stock selection method is Min Stock and Max Stock not Zero, enter the minimum and maximum stock quantities for the item.



If your stock selection method is Stocked, select any option other than Not Stocked.



If your stock selection method is Replenished, select Yes.

When you have completed these details for all items, you are ready to create your first stocktake batch.